How to craft this stylish tassel wall hanging
Learn a new skill while in lockdown and get crafting! Try your hand at this modern tassel wall hanging with this step by step guide.
Image: Furniture Choice
Be mindful in the home and take some time to learn a new craft. We love this tassel wall hangingput together by Furniture Choice – it’ll give a cool boho twist to any space.
What you’ll need
Image: Furniture Choice
- Wood dowel (1.3cm diameter, 61cm in length)
- 9 large wood beads and 9 small wood beads
- Hardcover notebook
- A ball of yarn
- Scissors
For the tassels:
Step 1
Cut a piece of yarn and hold it against the spine of your notebook. This will form the foundation of the tassel. Follow up by wrapping the yarn over this piece 30 times and cut off the excess.
Step 2
Take the first piece of yarn from the spine of the notebook and double knot it around the wrapped yarn. Cut the yarn down the side of the notebook.
Step 3
Place the tassel on a piece of yarn, then double knot it to form the tassel head. Make your tassel look neater by cutting off any scraggly pieces at the bottom. For this wall hanging, you have the choice of creating up to 10 tassels to hang on the wood dowel.
For the assembly:
Image: Furniture Choice
Step 1
Tie each end of the dowel with a piece of yarn. This will become the part that will be hung against the wall.
Step 2
Next, tie on a piece of yarn at the end of the dowel and double knot it with the knot facing down. To keep the double knot in place, reinforce it with a dab of super glue.
Step 3
Divide the dowel into 9 sections to attach the other 6 pieces of yarn and repeat step 3.
Step 4
Slide 1 large wood bead then thread the yarn around the bead to keep it in place. Then slide 1 small bead on the yarn then tie a triple knot underneath it to keep it in place.
Image: Furniture Choice
Step 5
Attach a tassel by tying it to the end of the yarn and through the top loop of the tassel. Proceed to double knot it before cutting off the excess yarn. Repeat this step with the other tassels.
Step 6
If you have extra tassels, why not add a second tassel in between the bead and tassel hanging for the three middle hanging pieces? Use the top strands of the tassel in step 3 and double knot it. Cut off the excess yarn when you’re done.
Step 7
Tie an extra piece of yarn around the bottom of the head of the tassel and the yarn it’s hanging from to keep everything in place. And now it’s time to admire your handiwork! The dreamy vibe of these tassels make a playful addition to your bedroom or living room.
Image: Furniture Choice
Are you going to make this gorgeous wall hanging? Show us and let us know on social! Tweet us @goodhomesmag, post a comment on our Facebook page or tag us on Instagram @goodhomesmag!