Closing shift cleaning: the secret to a tidy home?
A viral cleaning method currently causing a buzz online, known as the closing shift cleaning routine, could actually help us conquer the continuous clear-up.
Keeping our homes clean, tidy and clutter-free can be a constant battle. From stacking the dishes, to putting on a wash and clearing away the kids toys, staying on top of the household chores can feel like a never ending cycle – enter, ‘closing shift cleaning’.
But, despite racking up all the likes on social media, the closing shift concept isn’t actually all that new – it’s the idea of a nightly scrub down and tidy up.
Before you dismiss the idea as being way too energetic before bed, it’s worth noting that not only could introducing a pre-lights-out clean-up mean you then wake up to a fresh and tidy home, but it could also be beneficial for your mental wellbeing. What’s more, it could take you less than 20 minutes.
We spoke to the cleaning experts to learn the secrets of the closing shift, how to introduce the regime into your home and why it could lead to a cleaner, calmer abode.

What is the ‘cleaning shift’ routine?
If you’ve ever worked the last shift at pretty much any hospitality or customer service job, you’ve likely already undertake a closing shift – tidying and clearing your workplace so it’s ready for another day of business in the morning.
The idea of applying the same concept to the spaces in our home was first suggested by content creator @clararpeirce, in a video clip that has since gone viral on TikTok.
“Whenever I’m really trying to set myself up for success the next day, I will do what I call a closing shift…I just close up my apartment like I would if I was at work,” Clara explained.
“Sometimes closing shift is cleaning my entire apartment, sometimes it’s just making it 10% better for the morning, so I feel like I did something to set my next day up on the right foot.”
Since then CleanTok, AKA the endless stream of TikTok videos from people who love cleaning, has totally run with the idea – with the hashtag #closingshiftcleaning clocking up over 71 million views.

What are the benefits of the cleaning shift routine?
It might sound like a stretch to summon the energy to haul yourself off the sofa for a quick tidy, but cleaning expert, Laura Mountford, AKA @lauracleanaholic, says there are a whole wealth of benefits to a pre-bed clear-up including:
- Helping you to keep on top of keeping your kitchen clean by doing tasks little and often
- Stopping cleaning being an overwhelming task
- Keeping your home smelling fresh
- Preventing the spread of dirt and germs
- Keeping your kitchen a hygienic place to enjoy preparing and eating food in
“Integrating small tasks into your daily routine is an easy strategy for maintaining a tidy home and reducing overall workload and stress,” adds Miroslav Radov, owner of Rainbow Rubbish Removals.
“By tackling chores like washing dishes, decluttering, and wiping down surfaces, you prevent messes from accumulating and becoming overwhelming.
“This not only keeps your living space clean and organised but also helps you avoid the stress of facing a massive cleaning session all at once.”

There are some plus point for wellbeing too.
“Consistently addressing these smaller tasks also fosters a sense of control and accomplishment,” Miroslav explains. “This can positively impact your mental wellbeing and make your home a more relaxing and enjoyable place to be.”
Science has further some proof of the benefits of the closing shift, with a recent survey from Dunelm finding that a third of Brits struggle to get a full night’s sleep due to anxiety over cleaning duties.
The study, of 2,000 adults, found many of us could be suffering from cleaning-induced insomnia thanks to growing lists of household chores, with organising the fridge, packing lunches and cleaning up shoes left on the floor among the niggling errands keeping the nation awake.
Further, research suggests that clean environments – and the act of cleaning itself – can help lessen feelings of anxiety, stress and even symptoms of depression.

How to introduce the closing shift into your cleaning schedule
Clean up after dinner
Who doesn’t dread this chore after a busy day juggling work and life? But imagine how good it will feel coming down to surfaces clear of last night’s plates and all their caked on food?
Laura suggests striking while the iron is hot and washing the dishes or stacking the dishwasher as soon as you finish eating.
“This will stop you putting off doing this job and will actually make it easier as the longer you leave dirty dishes the harder they will be to clean,” Laura explains.
Need further proof you shouldn’t leave the kitchen clear-up til morning?
Miroslav says dirty dishes are ground zero for bacteria in the kitchen, and leaving dishes or pans to soak in water could spread thousands of germs around your kitchen while you sleep. Bleugh!
“Maintaining a good nightly dish routine also helps keep your home free of flies and odours,” he adds.

Wipe down the surfaces
Once your worktops are clear of dirty dishes wipe them down using your favourite cleaning spray and a microfibre cloth.
“This will get rid of any marks or germs and make your kitchen smell lovely and fresh,” Laura suggests.
Did you know that your kitchen countertops can harbour 18 times more bacteria than a dog’s food bowl?
By giving them a quick wipe with an antibac wipe before bed, you prevent germs from multiplying while you’re getting some shut eye.
As well as the surfaces in the kitchen, Miroslav also suggests using an antibacterial cleaner throughout your entire home to prevent sticky dirty surfaces stopping you from actually using them.

Declutter, declutter, declutter
From toys littered all over the rug, to paperwork strewn across the kitchen island and beauty products dotted around the bathroom, when life is busy it’s easy to let clutter build up over the course of the day.
During your closing shift, Miroslav suggests a sweep round the house to put the miscellaneous items back where they belong.
“A cluttered home leads to a cluttered mind,” he explains. “Visual clutter is one of the key factors leading to feeling overwhelmed before and during cleaning.
Research has also found that clutter can increase feelings of stress, anxiety and depression.”
To round off your declutter session Miroslav also suggests disposing of all rubbish and taking out the bins, if full.

Hoover, sweep and mop the floors
Miroslav suggests following the ‘high-low’ rule, making sure to clean from the top down and hoover or sweep towards the end.
“Cleaning up messes after cooking is particularly important, crumbs and debris easily follow you to other areas of the home, including into the bed,” he explains.
And of course food debris can lead to some unwanted visitors, particularly ants who have a keen sense of smell.
“They are easily able to locate crumbs and other floor messes before bringing a sample back to their colony – making dirty floors the perfect home for new insect tenants,” Miroslav explains.
Once you’ve vacuumed or swept Laura suggests giving the floors a quick mop to ensure any spills are easily removed.
”Imagine how good it will feel waking up to a clean, fresh kitchen the next morning?” she adds.

Straighten up soft furnishings
The final touch! Miroslav suggests straightening up any soft furnishings to remove any traces of your post-work slump and bring your living room back to its pristine best.
“Fluff and chop those cushions and fold throws on the sofa to create an inviting space that makes your home feel clean and polished,” he explains.
Why? Because experts have found that organised homes induce positive emotions such as calmness, so restoring order in your home tonight will help set you up for a good tomorrow.
Night, night!
Looking for more cleaning inspiration? Lynsey Crombie AKA the Queen of Clean shared her expert tips for faster, greener cleaning or Mrs Hinch’s top cleaning tips will also help keep your home sparkling.